Welcome from Pastor Sheldon

My name is Sheldon Steen and I have served as the pastor of Christ Pres. since June of 2020 (I know, great timing!). My wife, Mary, and I have five kids and we have lived in Tallahassee since 2015. We first came to Tallahassee for me to pursure a PhD in Religion at FSU while serving in another local congregation, but we quickly fell in love with the area and are so thankful to have found a home in Tallahassee and at CPC.
Since coming to serve here, we have been blown away by the kindness and hospitality of this congregation. My ministry here began at an odd time for our church and our world. Yet, even in the midst of a global pandemic, this congregation continued to seek new ways to worship, connect, and serve. Rather than sitting back and waiting for things to blow over or ignoring the severity of the situation and continuing with business as usual, this congregation sought new ways to move forward and to connect with one another and the larger community.
We are a congregation that continues to grow in our worship and witness. The energy and enthusiasm here are palpable because the people here are so loving and welcoming. It is almost impossible to come here and walk away not feeling a little more loved.
One of the guiding principles of my ministry that has been fundamental to my sense of call is the continual unfolding of God's expanding and expansive welcome. To that end, we strive to be a community of welcome. We recognize that the body of Christ is at its best when people from different backgrounds and perspectives come to the table to listen together for how God is speaking and moving.
If there is one thing I want you to know, it is that you are welcome here. Lots of churches make that claim in slogans and signage. Truthfully, we don't always live up to the best of who we claim to be either. But I am convinced that this is a congregation that honestly and earnestly strives to live up to the values we claim as much as possible. We all need a place to belong. To me, belonging is at the heart of the gospel because of how God's love moves powerfully to make room for all people. You are welcome here—you belong here—because you are a beloved child of God.
So come join us sometime and see for yourself. We would love the opportunity to share in God's expansive welcome with you.
Rev. Dr. Sheldon Steen
My name is Sheldon Steen and I have served as the pastor of Christ Pres. since June of 2020 (I know, great timing!). My wife, Mary, and I have five kids and we have lived in Tallahassee since 2015. We first came to Tallahassee for me to pursure a PhD in Religion at FSU while serving in another local congregation, but we quickly fell in love with the area and are so thankful to have found a home in Tallahassee and at CPC.
Since coming to serve here, we have been blown away by the kindness and hospitality of this congregation. My ministry here began at an odd time for our church and our world. Yet, even in the midst of a global pandemic, this congregation continued to seek new ways to worship, connect, and serve. Rather than sitting back and waiting for things to blow over or ignoring the severity of the situation and continuing with business as usual, this congregation sought new ways to move forward and to connect with one another and the larger community.
We are a congregation that continues to grow in our worship and witness. The energy and enthusiasm here are palpable because the people here are so loving and welcoming. It is almost impossible to come here and walk away not feeling a little more loved.
One of the guiding principles of my ministry that has been fundamental to my sense of call is the continual unfolding of God's expanding and expansive welcome. To that end, we strive to be a community of welcome. We recognize that the body of Christ is at its best when people from different backgrounds and perspectives come to the table to listen together for how God is speaking and moving.
If there is one thing I want you to know, it is that you are welcome here. Lots of churches make that claim in slogans and signage. Truthfully, we don't always live up to the best of who we claim to be either. But I am convinced that this is a congregation that honestly and earnestly strives to live up to the values we claim as much as possible. We all need a place to belong. To me, belonging is at the heart of the gospel because of how God's love moves powerfully to make room for all people. You are welcome here—you belong here—because you are a beloved child of God.
So come join us sometime and see for yourself. We would love the opportunity to share in God's expansive welcome with you.
Rev. Dr. Sheldon Steen